Recovery from the death of a spouse is a lifelong healing process. Each year brings a measure of healing as we move toward being able to reclaim life’s joy. Lori Tucker-Sullivan has been widowed for 14 years and shares her journey as she authored...
Why is the second year of grief so hard? Don't worry, it's normal! We explain why and how others can help. And you're not alone, Claire shares her grief journey.
Words are important, especially when someone is grieving. Gain insight on the best things to say and do to best support your loved ones.
Healing from grief, especially traumatic grief, is difficult because of trauma associated with the death. Learn about a treatment called EMDR that can help. Listen also to Claire Luckey as she shares how she handled the first anniversary of her...
This week has a special lineup! Learn about the art of desairology, the unknown history of Chop Suey, and we have a special guest: Claire Luckey, the "Grieving Bitch" on Instagram. Claire is sharing her grief journey and life challenges as a 34-year...