Have you ever had a visit from a loved one who communicated with you after their death? In this episode we explore after death communications (ADC). ADC are contacts from someone who has died directly to us by the dead without a medium. We can’t make it happen, we do not control it. It either occurs or it doesn’t.

One of the first books that took a data gathering approach to these communications was published in the 1995 Bill and Judy Guggenheim in their book, Hello From Heaven! In it they share 353 stories from people about ADC, stories from people in all walks of life. We interviewed Bill Guggeneheim about his book and how the research impacted his views of the afterlife.

- Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research-After-Death Communication Confirms That Life and Love Are Eternal by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim can be purchased on Amazon Amazon.com : Hello from Heaven!
- Good Reading List for ADC: Recommended Reading | GriefandMourning.comGriefandMourning.com
- ADCRF – After Death Communication Research Foundation
- Everyone Dies the Book
Funeral Assistance Program
Charlie talked about a new program to get federal assistance to pay for funeral costs for COVID victims. Visit the links below for more information.
- FEMA Funeral Assistance
- Biden administration to launch massive funeral assistance program for COVID victims (Washington Post Article)
Recipe of the Week
In a bizarre effort to keep with our theme, such as it is, our recipe this week is for Sweet and Spice Ghost Pepper Candied Bacon from Mike at Chili Pepper Madness. (Get it, ghost?) This is a candied bacon with a major punch (from ghost pepper chili flakes and sriracha sauce) that is reported to be addictive. What do you think?
Let us hear from you!
Did you make the bacon? Do you have another favorite recipe? Or how about this topic – have you heard from a loved one after their death? We’d love to hear! Drop us a line below or on Facebook!