Stroke is the leading cause of chronic disability, the second leading cause of dementia, and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Following a stroke, the rehabilitation process is long, difficult, and humbling. Marianne talks to us about one type of stroke – a right-sided stroke – and explains what cognitive and body functions are affected.

Our guest this week is Janet Douglas who, while attending a wedding in England, had a major stroke. She had the very unusual experience of being completely aware as she had her right-sided stroke, and has an incredible story. She spend a great deal of time working on her rehabilitation program and then wrote a book about her experiences. Here story gives a rare glimpse into what it is to have a stroke and the challenges of rehabilitation.
You can find her book below:
Janet R Douglas (2018) – A Wonderful Stroke of Luck: From Occupational Therapist to Patient and Beyond
Funeral Theater
We have another episode of our theater, where Marianne and Charlie act out a scene from My Beautiful Broken Brain. The movie is about 34-year-old Lotje Sodderland’s personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of her own brain following a life changing hemorrhagic stroke. Regaining consciousness to an alien world – Lotje was thrown into a new existence of distorted reality where words held no meaning and where her sensory perception had changed beyond recognition. It is a film about hope, transformation, and the limitless power of the human mind.
Recipe of the Week
Marianne has been reading Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral, and thinks it is going to be a great resource for planning very tasteful funerals! On page 193 they talk about Chocolate chess pie. It’s a heavy custard pie. How did chess pie it get its name? You’ll have to listen in to find out!
Here’s a recipe from Southern Bite. You’ll have to let us know if you make it!

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