Nancy had a growth in her bladder and was sent for surgery. When the surgeon opened her up to remove it, it was gone. The surgeon said it was one of the healthiest bladders he had ever seen. So, where did the tumor go? Listen to Marianne’s conversation with Nancy to learn more about her experience.
Nancy Miller is the spiritual adviser at Everyone Dies. In December of 2016 God called Nancy into full-time ministry and she became ordained and a Certified Christian Counselor. Additionally, she is a Certified Spiritual Care Disaster provider through the Oklahoma Conference of Churches. Nancy specializes in grief, trauma and abuse counseling for women. She has a weekly blog, website and YouTube Channel entitled “Walking with Jesus”. She also produces weekly devotionals and on-line Bible classes to equip followers of Jesus to full-fill the plans and purposes of God for their life.
Recipe of the week

Our recipe this week, in keeping with the theme of Miracles, is called Layered Miracle Dessert. It is a death by chocolate with layers of brownies, whipped cream, and candy bars, repeated layer about rich layer in a trifle bowl. It is truly sinful. Click here to get this recipe by Liz in St. Louis (Cookpad).