The holidays can trigger emotions – good and bad – about family members that are no longer with us. This week is all about fathers. We share an interview with Mike Ward, a Detroit-based singer and songwriter who writes about coming to terms with aging, loss, and death. This week Mike shared about a song he wrote for his father called “Wrestling with Ghosts.”
We also rebroadcast an episode where we talk about why the death of a father can affect us differently and strategies to help you deal with the death of your father, especially if it was a complicated or non-existent relationship.
In this Episode:
- 01:24 – Interview with Singer/Songwriter Mike Ward
- 24:49 – Intro, S4E11 Re-broadcast
- 26:32 – Recipe – Dirty Martini Pork Chops
- 30:14 – Father Figures
- 36:54 – Losing a Father
- 52:06 – Dad Jokes
- 57:17 – Charlie’s Dad
- 59:50 Outro
Honoring His Father Through Song
Mike Ward is a Detroit-based singer and songwriter who writes about coming to terms with aging, loss, and death. His most recent album, The Darkness, and the Light was released on 1/26/21. This week Mike and Marianne talked about a song he wrote for his father called “Wrestling with Ghosts.” His father was relatively healthy until his death at age 95, but not without much loss and grief.
Listen to the full song below:
You can read more about Mike and download his single “No Way to Live” at Mike Ward’s website. The song is dedicated to raising awareness and donations for organizations assisting the homeless. You can reach Mike Ward at sykoward7@hotmail.com or listen to his music at www.psychosongs.com. He is also on Spotify.
How Does the Death of a Father Affect Us?
The death of a father can affect us differently – learn about some of the gender differences in the grief response and why it can be so hard. In our re-broadcast of S4E11, Marianne shares strategies to help you deal with the death of your father, especially if it was a complicated or non-existent relationship.
Celebrating Other Father Figures
We also celebrate father figures and men who step in for that role. And what would a Father’s Day episode be without some really bad Dad jokes!

- How a Son Can Cope With His Father’s Death (webmd.com)
- Dealing with Your Father’s Death | The Art of Manliness
- Father’s Day and the Death of the Father | Psychology Today
- The Psychological Effects of a Father’s Death on Daughters | eHow UK
- The Loss Of A Parent Changes Children Of All Ages Forever (fatherly.com)
- How Does Death of a Father Affect a Daughter? – Heart Eyes Magazine
- 9 Ways to Help Children Cope with a Father’s Death – Focus on the Family
- When Your Father Dies: How a Man Deals with the Loss of His Father (Veerman & Comfort, 1990). Available here: https://a.co/d/7MQDhaH #affiliate
- Fatherloss: How Sons of All Ages Come to Terms with the Deaths of Their Dads (Chethik, 2001). Available here: https://a.co/d/61eV74o
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Recipe of the Week
Looking for a way to dress up pork chops? We have the recipe for you! This uses the salty floral essence contained in a dirty martini to add a savory, briny and assertive punch to your favorite dish. Get the recipe here!

Everyone Dies: and yes, it is normal!
Everyone Dies (and yes, it is normal) is a story about a young boy named Jax who finds something special on the beach where he and his grandpa Pops are enjoying a wonderful day. Pops helps Jax understand that death is a normal part of life. This book provides an age appropriate, non-scary, comfortable way to introduce the important topic of mortality to a preschool child. Its simple explanation will last a lifetime. Autographed copies for sale at: www.everyonediesthebook.com. Also available at Amazon
Mourning Jewelry

We offer a way to memorialize your loved one or treasured pet with a piece of handmade jewelry. When people comment on it and the wearer can say for example “I received this when my mother died” which opens the conversation about this loss. All our jewelry is made with semi-precious stones and beads, vintage beads, and pearls. You can choose between earrings or bracelets and the color family. Learn More