S1E30: The Expectations of Hospice Care

Play episode

What should one expect if a family member is discharged to hospice? We talk about this as well as some resources to help caregivers as we revisit the concept of hospice, this time from the perspective of a family member who is taking care of a loved one.


Listen to our early Podcast on Palliative Care that explains the difference between palliative care and hospice and how both are beneficial. National Comprehensive Cancer Network has a good page: Understanding Hospice Care.

Some national organizations you can reach out to for more information include:

Resources for hospice caregivers:

  • The Family Caregiver Alliance has numerous resources, including family care navigator to find resources by state. Many of the chronic disease organizations have good resources; you can also find them on this site.
  • CaringInfo.org is a great one-stop resource to find information about issues like home safety, pain management, talking with a child about his or her illness and much more.
  • CaringBridge.org offers free patient websites to help loved ones share information and support throughout serious health events, care and recovery. It is extremely easy to set up and use; and it will automatically notify family and friends each time you post new information.  This makes it easy to post needs without feeling like you have to ask others, and friends and family can easily see how they can help.

Food and Mourning

Charlie shares some curious facts about food and mourning through history, from creepy early traditions of endocannibalism down to a shopping list for a medieval funeral feast.

When a lord died, an Averil was held, and old English word for Heir’s Ale. People and lords would come from far and wide to raise an ale to the new heir. Feasting and averil/arval bread were part of the tradition.

To learn more follow these links:

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