A dog enjoying a scratch by Death

S1E27: Death of a Pet

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For those of us that love our furry friends, it’s hard to explain how difficult the death of a pet is. Others may try to minimize it, and ask why we don’t just replace it, but in this episode we talk about why pets are so meaningful to us, and why we grieve them, even as much as other humans.

Research shows that the death of a pet can indeed hurt as much as the loss of a relative. See the article here.

Marianne and Charlie act out a scene of Marley and Me in our “Funeral Theater.” To watch a clip of the same scene, see below.

We also talked about Pet Doulas, who help ease the transition with a dying pet. Here’s a short documentary about Lucy Morgenstern, Pet Doula:

You won’t want to miss our very own interview with Lucy Morgenstern, in S2E10: Planning a Memorial Ceremony for Your Pet.

Recipe Time!

Marianne and Charlie continue their talk about Southern funeral food. If you’re getting hungry, here’s the recipes!

Have your own favorites? We would love to hear them! Contact us below.

This was a special episode. Want to tell us about your pet? We’d love to have it in our comments as a memorial. Thank you!

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