Breast cancer ribbon with edge eroding, representing recurrence

S1E31: Recurrent Cancer

Play episode

Being diagnosed with cancer is very scary. But for those who have already defeated it, the fear it will return always looms over them. Cancer can rear its ugly head even many years after someone is declared “cancer free” or to have “no evidence of disease.”

Marianne talks about why cancer can return, where physicians get their guidance for a surveillance plan, and “scanxiety” – the normal reaction to check-up time.

Instead of living in fear of recurrence, Marianne gives some tips on things we can be proactive about to decrease risk, such as exercise, healthy diet, no tobacco, limited use of alcohol, and ensuring vitamin D is at optimum levels.


Our Town

For our 3rd half, Charlie acts out a scene from Our Town, a Pulitzer-winning play by Thornton Wilder. In Act III of the play, Thornton explores Death and Eternity.

Our Town, a play by Thornton Wilder

Recipe Time!

Charlie shared a very interesting history of sin eaters – who “took on the sins” of the deceased into the Middle Ages.

We may not have that tradition anymore, but you might feel like you’re dooming your soul when you make this recipe called the Mississippi Sin Dip! Scoot on over to The Cooking Bride for the full recipe!

Have a recipe you would like to share? We would love to feature it in one of our upcoming episodes. Let us hear from you!

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