What do children understand about death? Learn in this episode.
In this episode we talk about what children understand about death by age. Be sure to download the handout below for details on what children struggle with, behaviors you may not anticipate, and ways to help them through their grief.
- Grieving at Different Ages Handout – This is the content referenced in the second half of our show
- Children’s Grief Awareness Day Website – Resources are available free of charge for all who would like to use them to support grieving children. Find posters and fact sheets, suggestions for bulletin or newsletter announcements, and logos and other graphics.
- It’s Okay to Cry: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children Through the Losses of Life by H. Norman Wright. Find it on Amazon
- Hearts do Matter by Anita Myers – Author Anita Myers presents you an illustrated book for all ages, designed to share the celebration of life spent with her mother, and the love that exists after life. Find it on Amazon We also had our very own interview with the author, Anita Myers. You can listen to it here.
- Apart of Me – A UK-based application to guide children through grief. Apart of Me has been designed by grief experts and young people who have had a similar experience. So come and discover a magical, peaceful world populated by friendly creatures and a wise guide. Apart of Me is freely available to download from both the iOS App Store and on Google Play.
Funeral Theater
For our third segment, Marianne and Charlie act out a scene from Charlotte’s web.

Based on the beloved children’s novel by E.B. White, a young girl named Fern rescues a runty piglet, raises it as her own and names him Wilbur. However, after Wilbur grows into a pig, she is compelled to sell him to her Uncle Homer Zuckerman down the street. At Zuckerman’s barn, Wilbur meets a host of animals and later learns from them that come winter, he will be slaughtered for food. Fearing for his life, Charlotte, a gentle and wise spider whom befriended the lonely Wilbur, vows to save his life. As the year wanes, Charlotte must say her final farewell to a heartbroken Wilbur.
But Wilbur learns how – like the first buds of spring – life comes full circle.

Recipe Time
Talking about children’s grief is really difficult. To help, Charlie has a great death by chocolate cake recipe for us from the Big Man’s world. It’s a vegan option with no butter, no eggs, and no milk needed, but the texture is moist fluffy and with a tender crumb. Try it out!

Do you have a recipe for us? Have a comment? Please let us hear from you by contacting us below.