This is the first of a two-part series discussing the research regarding what people with serious illness want, particularly at the end of their lives.
This episode discusses:
- Wanting to know what to expect
- Finding meaning in living and dying
- Wanting to be more than just your diagnosis
- Needing help from our loved ones
We have a special guest Rochele Converse who talks about her experiences as a patient. Rochele has courageously battled not just one cancer, but TWO! Listen to her inspiring story of her wonderful attitude through it all and support she received from others.
- 5 Things That People Who Are Dying Want You to Know
- What people want at the end of life:
- Kuhl, D., Stanbrook, M. B., & Hébert, P. C. (2010). What people want at the end of life. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne, 182(16), 1707.
- What people most want in their final months
- 10 Practical Tasks to Help You Deal With a Terminal Illness
- HOPE in Oklahoma – Gynecological Cancer Support and Education
I told Matt to wait until after Christmas to go to heaven so Josh won’t associate Christmas with you dying.
Matt did live through Christmas.
I told Matt he can go but if he made it to Jan 01then I can get his last full Social Security check!
Well,l told Matt it was Jan01 and Thank you for making it.
I told Matt that he can go cross that finish line!
Matt died at 6 :50 AM on Jan01,2020 after battling Early Onset Alzheimer’s for 10 years.